Thursday, April 28, 2011


Color Scheme Generator

We've been doing presentations and designed creations quite a bit in this class and since we're hopefully preparing for careers and the like, I thought it would be worthwhile to go a little bit into making the things we're doing look better and more professional. I know we're not designers ourselves and we're studying to do library work but if we're making fliers and presentations it's worth knowing at least a little about what makes designs look good.
Today I'll talk about color. Color is extremely important in attracting and keeping attention, but not just any color combination looks good. There are a few types of color combos that work really well, and they involve the use of a color wheel. Generally, colors look good when they're paired with similar colors, or opposite colors. What I mean by opposite is that it is placed opposite the color(s) you're already using across the color wheel. This will make a little more sense when I show you this website.If you go there and play around for a bit, you will start to see that there are several designs which look good. They let you use mono, complement, triad, tetrad, analogic, and accented analogic combos. Choose a combo you like and pay attention to the color tags (the numbers and letters) attached to each color; they will be useful later.
Here is a guide to terrible color decisions.


Test eyejot

Eyejot Portfolio introduction

Here is my short intro to my digital portfolio.